Our Story

Charlie Cirigliano - Founder, Owner, and Designer of Nantucket Bagg has over thirty years of experience as an art director, set designer, and builder in New York and Hollywood. He has done unique custom work for individuals, celebrities, and businessmen all over the country. He is a timber-framer who once bid to reconstruct the oldest house on Nantucket, and built his own post-and-beam house on Nantucket from wood he harvested in Harwington, CT. He is also a boat builder, carver, and was even a tree warden.
Charlie designed this tool bag for himself a number of years ago, needing something versatile enough to accompany him on any number of projects, but also practical, allowing his tools to be carried in a safe hands-free manner while avoiding damage to anything in his working environment.
Charlie’s durable bagg allowed him to be confident and proud to carry his best tools. The universal design was excellent not only for woodworkers, but also for plumbers, electricians, working artists, installers, and technicians. Customers have even informed us that this may well be the best knitter's and fine artists' bag ever designed - the uses for the bagg are innumerable.

Jediah Cirigliano-Seidman - Operations Manager, Sales, Design got started in the restaurant business over 27 years ago, working for Todd Arno, right on Main Street, Nantucket. He is now a trained chef and freelancer; consulting nascent food cart businesses, creating menus and concepts for private clients, catering and managing hospitality services at music and craft festivals, and giving hands-on training to staff at struggling restaurants. He pioneered the farm-to-table mobile food business when in 1996, he bought his first food truck and opened it next to his New Mexico State University campus, forever changing that city's foodservice scene. In 2011 he launched Feel Good Food, a solar-charged mobile health food kitchen and toured the country for a couple years promoting locally-sourced ingredients and healthy food as fast food. Jediah has run restaurants and/or participated in restaurant start-ups on Nantucket as well as Fairfield, Co. Connecticut, San Jose del Cabo, Mexico and Auckland, New Zealand.
Jed has a B.A. in English and spent time at the New England Culinary Institute. He also spent a brief period of time working as a journalist in Washington, D.C. which included an internship under his grandfather, famed banking regulator Bill Seidman, who at that time was CNBC's Chief Commentator. Jed can write and he has a mind for business.
In 2006 Jed worked his first show for Nantucket Bagg and he turned out to be a natural salesman. Within a year, he was selling Nantucket Baggs on QVC. He subsequently made eighteen additional appearances. By his estimation he has represented Nantucket Bagg and part-time client Ella Vickers at over 250 consumer and trade shows. He left sales in 2010 to again pursue his culinary career.
Now Jediah is back with Nantucket Bagg overseeing operations while maintaining his catering and culinary consulting business. He now participates in design with his brilliant father which is a joy for both of them.